Zenebech,* mother of three, with her youngest child at an emergency food assistance gathering in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in August, 2020. (Misak Workneh / Save the Children)

Maternal, Newborn, and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (MNRHiE) and COVID-19: Adaptations, Successes, Challenge and Next Steps. An Expert Consultation 

November 2020 | Adaptations, Successes, Challenges, and Next Steps: An Expert Consultation

Cover image from Maternal, Newborn, and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (MNRHiE) and COVID-19

This report presents key findings and recommendations from a series of four discussion-based expert consultation workshops. These consultations—organized by the READY initiative and the Inter Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in crises (IAWG)—brought Maternal, Newborn, and Reproductive Health and infectious disease stakeholders together to review MNRH in the preparedness/outbreak response context and identify priorities for the ongoing pandemic. This report compiles and shares participants’ experiences and lessons learned, and identifies challenges and gaps in implementing humanitarian MNRH services in COVID-19 across the world. The recommendations developed from these consultations are intended to support MNRH services and actors to improve access and quality of care to vulnerable populations in future waves of COVID-19 and in future outbreaks.

Download | MNRH and COVID-19 Consultation Report (37 pages | 1MB .pdf)

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

Este site é possível graças ao apoio do povo americano através do Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) no âmbito da iniciativa READY. READY (não é um acrônimo) é apoiado pela USAID  Gabinete para a Democracia, Conflitos e Assistência HumanitáriaEscritório de Assistência a Desastres Estrangeiros dos EUA (OFDA)  e é liderado por Salve as crianças  em parceria com o  Centro Johns Hopkins de Saúde Humanitária, o  Centro Johns Hopkins para Programas de Comunicação Reino Unido-MedAliança EcoSaúde, e Misericórdia Malásia. O conteúdo deste website é da exclusiva responsabilidade da Save the Children. As informações fornecidas neste site não refletem necessariamente as opiniões da USAID, de qualquer ou de todos os parceiros do consórcio ou do Governo dos Estados Unidos, e não constituem informações oficiais do Governo dos EUA.