የልጅ ጥበቃ ጉዳይ ሪፈራል (ኮክስ ባዛር)
Author: READY
This tool is designed for the Bangladesh context.…

የምስጢራዊነት መመሪያ ማስታወሻ፡ በተላላፊ በሽታ ወረርሽኝ ወቅት (Cox's Bazar) የሕፃናት ጥበቃ ስጋቶችን ስለመቆጣጠር ለጤና ተዋናዮች የተሰጠ ምክር
Author: READY
This tool is designed for the Bangladesh context.…

የጤና ማእከልዎን ለልጆች ተስማሚ ማድረግ፡ በተላላፊ በሽታ ወረርሽኝ ወቅት ለጤና ተዋናዮች ምክር (Cox's Bazar)
Author: READY
This tool is designed for the Bangladesh context.…

በወረርሽኝ ጊዜ የሕፃናት ጥበቃ፡ በተዛማች በሽታዎች ወረርሽኞች የሕፃናት ጥበቃ ፕሮግራሞችን ማስተካከል (ሚኒ-መመሪያ 1)
ደራሲ፡ የሕጻናት ጥበቃ በሰብአዊ ተግባር፣…

Tip sheet: Child-friendly approaches for health actors undertaking vaccination campaigns
Author: READY
This tool suggests practical ways to integrate…

Confidentiality guidance note: Advice for health actors addressing child protection concerns during infectious disease outbreaks
Author: READY
As a health worker, you must collaborate with…

Checklist for child-friendly isolation and treatment centers: Considerations for design, implementation, and budgeting
Author: READY
This checklist is designed to be used during outbreak…

Humanitarian coordination and the cluster approach: a quick guide for local and national organizations
Author: Global Education Cluster
This quick guide is designed…

Coordination Effectiveness During Public Health Emergencies: An Institutional Collective Action Framework
Authors: Ismail Soujaa, Julius A. Nukpezah and Abraham David…

Operational Guidance on Infant Feeding in Emergencies
Author: Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group