Promoting Collaboration Between Child Protection and Health Sectors in the Context of Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Stakeholder Consultations 

READY undertook a series of stakeholder consultations to examine key challenges, best practices, and successes of integrated Child Protection and Health programming during the current pandemic and past epidemics and outbreaks.

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on children, and the lessons learned from it so far led READY and its strategic partners to prioritize improved coordination and collaboration between Child Protection and Health actors. While previous responses to infectious disease outbreaks, such as Ebola and Diphtheria, highlighted the need for Child Protection and Health actors to work together, the COVID-19 response in humanitarian contexts spotlighted the necessity of and challenges related to integrated programming. In an effort to support evidence generation and development of guidance on integrated programming, READY presents these stakeholder consultation reports to present key challenges, best practices, and successes of integrated Child Protection and Health programming during the current pandemic and past epidemics and outbreaks.

Download: Promoting Collaboration Between Child Protection and Health Sectors in the Context of Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Stakeholder consultations (English) (768kb .pdf).

Télécharger : Promouvoir la collaboration entre
les secteurs de la protection de l’enfance et de la santé dans
le contexte des épidémies de maladies infectieuses :
Consultations des parties prenantes (français)
 (886kb .pdf).

Descargar: Promover la colaboración entre los sectores de la protección de la infancia y de la salud en el contexto de brotes de enfermedades infecciosas: Consultas con las partes interesadas (español) (609kb .pdf)

تعزيز التعاون بين قطاعات حماية الطفل والصحة في سياق تفشي الأمراض المعدية: التشاور مع أصحاب المصلحة (2MB .pdf)

Related Resource: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and READY joined forces to lead the inter-agency review and updating of the 2018 Guidance Note on Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks. As part of the preparation for updating the guidance note, READY conducted a desk-based review of relevant literature between June and September 2021. Download the annotated bibliography (213 kb .xlsx file)

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

Este site é possível graças ao apoio do povo americano através do Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) no âmbito da iniciativa READY. READY (não é um acrônimo) é apoiado pela USAID  Gabinete para a Democracia, Conflitos e Assistência HumanitáriaEscritório de Assistência a Desastres Estrangeiros dos EUA (OFDA)  e é liderado por Salve as crianças  em parceria com o  Centro Johns Hopkins de Saúde Humanitária, o  Centro Johns Hopkins para Programas de Comunicação Reino Unido-MedAliança EcoSaúde, e Misericórdia Malásia. O conteúdo deste website é da exclusiva responsabilidade da Save the Children. As informações fornecidas neste site não refletem necessariamente as opiniões da USAID, de qualquer ou de todos os parceiros do consórcio ou do Governo dos Estados Unidos, e não constituem informações oficiais do Governo dos EUA.