READY Training Offerings

READY ‘s trainings improve the capacity of NGOs and other humanitarian actors to plan and implement an integrated multi-sectoral outbreak response. Self-paced virtual sessions for specific cohorts are accompanied by live sessions. Training materials are typically made available to the public after the initial cohort has completed the training.

To date, READY has developed four separate in-person and hybrid (in-person + virtual) training series.

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Latest READY Trainings

Outbreak Readiness and Response: Prioritizing Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health Services in Humanitarian Settings

The goal of this training is to equip participants with the operational knowledge and skills to ensure the continuity, quality, and safety of healthcare for women and girls of reproductive age and their newborns during an infectious disease outbreak in humanitarian and fragile settings. The training includes interactive exercises that link to an evolving outbreak scenario in a humanitarian setting, allowing learners to apply what they have learned and reflect on operational considerations for SRMNH services.

Operational Readiness Program for Major Disease Outbreak Response

READY’s core training offering is a blended, co-created learning experience featuring a digital simulation, customized training and technical assistance, and ongoing mentoring.

Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Outbreak Readiness Training

The goal of this training is to strengthen RCCE leadership to drive a more participatory, community-led response in large-scale outbreaks. Virtual and in-person sessions, interactive exercises, and post-training virtual mentorship build participants’ capacity to facilitate behavior change in an outbreak response.

From the READY Archive*

मानवीय सेटिंग में संक्रामक रोगों की महामारी विज्ञान और मॉडलिंग

The goal of this free training was to equip participants with foundational infectious disease epidemiology and modeling concepts to have a better command of the interpretation of common data that is available for humanitarian emergencies. It also demonstrated how key data translates to models in large-scale disease outbreaks, and prepared learners to engage with and make use of epidemiological data and models in a variety of outbreaks.

Communities in Humanitarian Settings: COVID-19 Micro-Trainings

The goal of this training package, released in December 2020*, was to improve the capacity of NGOs to implement community-centered COVID-19 pandemic response approaches in humanitarian settings and increase awareness of how such approaches impact the overall response. The package featured three modules: risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), infection prevention and control (IPC) and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and community health programming (CHP). This training package provided practical tools and solutions grounded in the experiences of current COVID-19 response actors across the globe.

COVID-19 Readiness Workshop Series

Between December 2019 and June 2020*, READY delivered eight country and regional workshops aimed at strengthening operational capacities and program adaptation frameworks among humanitarian NGOs  to support a holistic, integrated response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

*The materials from these trainings and workshops remain available to the public, but note that they may not reflect current information and best practices for COVID-19 outbreak response.