Bank of Risk Communication and Community Engagement Assessments, Surveys, and Feedback Tools
This resource bank includes sample surveys, assessments and community feedback tools that can be adapted to country contexts. This section will be updated as new tools become available. This resource is also available in a downloadable Word version.
Social Science in Humanitarian Action (SSHAP) – Practical Approach Guides
This brief underlines key considerations when appraising the context in which an outbreak occurs.
This brief provides guidance on undertaking rapid anthropological assessments in the context of an epidemic.
general survey tools for rcce in epidemics/pandemic
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)/ Philippines
Pre-crisis community perception survey
Example of a pre-crisis perception survey used to strengthen communication and community engagement readiness.
Wash’Em Rapid Assessment Package
The Wash’Em Rapid Assessment Package provides five Wash’Em Rapid Assessment tools. Each tool facilitates an understanding of one piece of the behavioral puzzle because they each focus on different determinants of hand-washing behavior.
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
RCCE: Data Collection and Assessments
[EN] [FR] [AR] [ES]
This section of IRC’s RCCE package provides tools on stakeholder mapping and social network analysis, service mapping, client surveying, focus group discussions, and more.
survey tool for vaccines
This brief can be used by health-care providers/non-governmental organizations (NGOs), national and global-level policymakers, and industry actors to gain social science inputs in vaccine deployment efforts to provide practical solutions to re-occurring challenges, including vaccine refusal.
National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants and Migrants, IRC
COVID-19 Vaccines – Focus Group Discussion (FDG) Facilitation Guide
This guide is intended for health departments, community-based organizations, and others interested in conducting FGDs.
COVID-19 Sample Survey Tools
RCCE Collective Service (WHO, UNICEF, IFRC)
RCCE Questions Bank and Core Indicators
This resource provides a menu of key questions related to the dimensions of knowledge, perceptions, practices, social and structural factors to develop operational social science research.
WHO – Regional Office for Europe
Survey Tool and Guidance: Rapid, simple, flexible behavioral insights on COVID-19
This resource provides guidance on how to conduct behavioral insights studies related to COVID-19.
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)
COVID-19 Dashboard Survey
This document describes the survey questions used in the COVID-19 Dashboard developed by between John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Communication Programs with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the World Health Organization and Facebook’s Data for Good.
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
Global COVID-19 Survey Questions
This survey was designed to gather data to permit the analysis of socio-behavioral aspects of outbreak control as well as it’s economic, mental, and physical impact.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Surveys and Assessments on Young People and COVID-19 [EN]
This tool provides examples of domains of assessment, along with relevant links to existing surveys, where specific questions can be drawn or adapted for monitoring/ assessing the impacts of COVID-19 and adapting programs and interventions for young people.
These two tools provide an implementation guide and discussion guide to run a focus group discussion (FGD) with community members to find out the perceptions, questions, suggestions and rumors within the community about the new coronavirus.
ebola - sample survey tools
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases and RTI International
These materials include a KAP survey implementation guidance for an Ebola response in two languages and survey tools in four languages used in the DRC. (2022). (NB: These are final versions as of 2/24/2022 that have been tested in the DRC. We will update this section as newer versions are released).
Integrated Analytics Cell (UNICEF and partners)
Knowledge, perceptions and behaviors related to health – Ebola Virus Disease
This survey was developed for affected populations during the Ebola outbreak in Central Africa. (2022).
Integrated Analytics Cell (UNICEF and partners)
Knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of health personnel on Ebola Virus Disease
This survey was developed for health personnel during the Ebola outbreak in Central Africa. (2022).
cholera - sample survey tools
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Surveys During Cholera Vaccination Campaign: Guidance for Oral Cholera Vaccine Stockpile Campaigns
This document outlines a uniform approach to conducting KAP surveys in communities and is divided into five sections that provide information on KAP surveys, survey protocol and questionnaire development, survey implementation, and translating findings into action. The annexes also provide sample documents that may be modified for use in the field.
Developed by the RCCE Collective Service, these rapid assessment tools include relevant questions to gather rapid information on the community context in the event of a cholera outbreak. Includes assessment tools to use for schools and in urban and rural settings.
Questions Bank for Cholera
Developed by the RCCE Collective Service, this repository includes a variety of different survey tools that can be used in a cholera outbreak, including knowledge, attitudes and practices surveys.
survey tools related to health services
This brief highlights key considerations when appraising health-seeking behaviors in the context of an epidemic outbreak to map of crucial social science knowledge on health-seeking behavior and reveal areas for additional primary data collection. It provides guidance on the availability of relevant social science knowledge to adapt epidemic preparedness and response to the local context.
Analytics for Operations (AfO)
Guidance for Health Care Worker (HCW) Surveys in humanitarian contexts in LMICs
This document provides guidance for conducting rapid approaches to gathering evidence about the experience of healthcare workers, and their communities.
Community needs, perceptions and demand: community assessment tool
This community assessment tool can be used to rapidly assess rapidly assess and respond to community health needs and perceptions around access and effective use of essential health services during the COVID-19 outbreak.
assessments related to burial practices
community feedback / rumor tracking
Breakthrough ACTION Research
Real-Time Rumor Tracking for COVID-19: System Design and Implementation Guide
Tools and guidance to set up mechanisms for systematically listening and responding to communities in response to COVID-19 and Ebola.
needs, information, and communication survey tools
OCHA / Philippines
Rapid Information, Communication and Accountability Assessment (RICAA) for COVID-19
This document is an example of a survey serving as a feedback loop mechanism to understand better the varying concerns of the public during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines.
CDAC Network and acaps
This document provides guidance and a suite of tools to assess information and communication needs to enhance communication with communities in an emergency.
Information and Communication Needs Assessment
Excel Spreadsheet to assess information and communication needs
OCHA / Humanitarian Country Team
Multi-Cluster Rapid Needs Assessment Form
Humanitarian Country Team Multi-cluster Rapid Assessment Form Dec 2019.
Washington Group on Disability Statistics – Questions Set
Questions Set for assessments for people with disabilities
This example of survey questions is designed for people with disabilities.
Understanding Affected Communities
Questionnaire developed by Oxfam (Yemen) to conduct household interviews with communities affected by disasters.
IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (AAP/PSEA)
Menu of Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Related Questions for Multi-Sector Needs Assessments (MSNAs)
Menu of potential AAP questions to be used in surveys or FDGs on perceptions of a response, inclusion, participation and needs.
IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (AAP/PSEA)
Menu of Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Related Questions for Multi-Sector Needs Assessments (MSNAs)
Menu of potential AAP questions to be used in surveys or FDGs on perceptions of a response, inclusion, participation and needs.
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Humanitarian Needs Assessment: The Good Enough Guide. The Assessment Capacities Project and Emergency Capacity Building Project
The guide, written for field staff carrying out assessments in the early days and weeks following a disaster, has three sections to help you with assessments: steps, tools, and resources.
Questions to assess whether radio should be used to communicate with crisis-affected communities in a humanitarian emergency
This list of questions is designed to help a program determine while radio should be used to communicate with crisis-affected communities in a humanitarian emergency.
Questions to assess whether TV should be used to communicate with crisis-affected communities in a humanitarian emergency
This list of questions is designed to help a program determine while TV should be used to communicate with crisis-affected communities in a humanitarian emergency.
vulnerability assessments
Vulnerability Assessments (various)
This package provides an extensive list of guidance documents to help program teams understand and implement a variety of assessments.
Sonar Global
The Rapid Assessment of Vulnerable Populations
This guidebook outlines a structure through which information can be captured regarding service utilization, social and cultural capital analysis, community engagement vectors, and the identification of hidden populations and unrecognized case definitions of vulnerability.
Community Coordination Toolkit (Web-based)
Online toolbox that includes assessments – to be used for facilitating the engagement of women and marginalized groups in decision-making in humanitarian responses).
SOPs for Data Collection during COVID-19
This document provides Standards of Practice (SOP) for data collection during COVID-19 with useful guidance that can be applied to data collection during other outbreaks.
Rapid Assessment Sampling in Emergency Situations
Provides guidance on sampling technologies and methods during emergency situations.
WhatsApp Surveying Guide
This guide provides an overview of the key considerations and practical steps involved in qualitative WhatsApp surveying.
Humanitarian Data Solutions
The Humanitarian’s “Phone Call Interview” Checklist
This checklist provides guidance on transitioning from in-person interviews for surveys and assessments to remote, phone-based interviews for survey or assessment.
World Bank
Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries: A Practical Guide for Microdata Collection
This handbook documents how collecting (representative) data using mobile phones works, its advantages and challenges, and guides them through every stage of the implementation process.
CARE International
Rapid Gender Analysis Toolkit
Toolkit to understand gender roles and relations and how these may change during a crisis. Assists in providing practical programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, and in ensuring a ‘do no harm’ approach.