Recursos destacados

These timely, relevant reports and lessons learned from COVID-19 and other outbreak readiness and response activities are hand-selected by READY staff and technical advisors.

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Orientación para la prestación de cuidados alternativos durante la COVID-19

Este documento interinstitucional (presentado en un seminario web destacado de READY…

Infografía: Alimentación infantil durante brotes de enfermedades infecciosas: una guía para programadores

En 2021, el Grupo Central de Alimentación Infantil en Situaciones de Emergencia (IFE) publicó…

Paquete de recursos para la protección en caso de brotes

El paquete de recursos de Protección en Brotes (PiO) es parte de…

Protección infantil en caso de brotes: miniguías

En 2021, READY apoyó a la Alianza para la Protección Infantil en…

Infografía: Alimentación infantil durante brotes de enfermedades infecciosas: una guía para los responsables de las políticas

En 2021, el Grupo Central de Alimentación Infantil en Situaciones de Emergencia (IFE) publicó…

Protección infantil en brotes de enfermedades infecciosas: bibliografía comentada  

READY llevó a cabo una serie de consultas con las partes interesadas para examinar…
Nafisa* (25) was the first COVID-19 patient at Save the Children's treatment centre in Cox's Bazar. Image credit: Habiba Ummay / Save the Children
Save the Children health workers in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, are still providing vital services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Image credit: Catherine McGowan / Save the Children

COVID-19 Coordination Report: Consultation Findings and Case Studies 

From August to December of 2020, READY conducted consultations…

Internews: Global Rumour Bulletin

December 2020 | Internews: Global Rumour Bulletin From Internews:…
Zenebech,* mother of three, with her youngest child at an emergency food assistance gathering in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in August, 2020. (Misak Workneh / Save the Children)
4-year-olds Krishna, left, Roshni, center left and 5-year-olds Barsha, center right, and Nitesh stand outside of their early learning center on Sunday, April 29 in Saptari, Nepal.

Save the Children: Lessons Learned from Asia-Pacific

July 2020 | How the region's societies—and their children—can…
A healthcare worker at a Save the Children-supported health facility during the 2018 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Image credit: Hugh Kinsella Cunningham / Save the Children

Available Technical Guidelines Assessment Report

June 2020 | Drawing from ten years of epidemic and pandemic events,…
Jojo*, a young child who survived the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in Liberia, was cared for by health workers and her mother (right), also an Ebola survivor who was allowed to stay in the unit to care for her daughter.Jojo*, a young child who survived the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in Liberia, was cared for by health workers and her mother (right), also an Ebola survivor who was allowed to stay in the unit to care for her daughter.

Review of Outbreak Preparedness Training & Gaps Analysis

June 2020 | This READY initiative report presents findings and…