Guidance for Alternative Care Provision During COVID-19

This interagency document (introduced in a READY featured webinar…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

Kit de herramientas RCCE

First published in May 2020, READY's COVID-19 Risk Communication…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

Wellbeing in Infectious Disease Outbreaks (Save the Children UK)

This collection of short videos (only 3–4 minutes each) is…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

Próximamente: cuatro nuevos seminarios web

Los siguientes temas (sujetos a cambios) están planificados para...
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

Global Health Network: Coronavirus Knowledge Hub

The Global Health Network has a "pop-up" knowledge hub at …