Workshop Materials

These materials were developed as part of READY’s COVID-19 Readiness Workshop Series, a succession of regional and national virtual workshops designed to strengthen NGO operational readiness for the COVID-19 response. We encourage you to use and adapt these tools for your own organization, even if you weren’t able to attend one of the workshops virtually.

In the sections below, you will find foundational presentations, interactive scenario-based exercises, na operational checklists to help organizations review and improve internal capacities, program adaptation frameworks, and operational platforms, ultimately leading to a stronger and more integrated response to the COVID-19 outbreak. You may view and download these materials from their sections, or use these links for bundled downloads:

If you have any questions about these materials or are interested in learning more about READY’s work, please contact us at

Please note: These materials were designed to reflect the level of outbreak readiness among participants at the time the workshops were delivered. They may not represent the most up-to-date knowledge on COVID-19. Users should always reference national laws and COVID-19 guidelines, in addition to these materials.

Eloge (15) helps her brother put his facemask on. Image credit: Christian Mutombo / Save the Children

COVID-19 Basics

In this section, you will find a foundational presentation on outbreak terminology and the International Health Regulations and declaration of a public health emergency. The presentation also spotlights COVID-19 technical tools and guidelines.

Save the Children health workers in Cox's Bazar learn how to use personal protective equipment for the COVID-19 isolation and treatment unit. Image credit: Sonali Chakma / Save the Children

Staff Health

This section includes a foundational presentation on the importance of staff health and key principles for establishing staff health policies. Additionally, there is an interactive scenario-based exercise to solicit discussion around ensuring staff health.

A healthworker advises on maternal health/nutrition - mobile health centre, Burao, Somalia. Image credit: Mustafa Saeed / Save the Children


This section features a foundational presentation on risk community and community engagement (RCCE), and a separate presentation on rumors and misinformation. Interactive scenarios to spur discussion, and an operational checklist.

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ethiopia practicing social distancing while receiving shelter kits from Save the Children. Image credit: Seifu Asseged / Save the Children

Business Continuity and Program Adaptation

These materials address business continuity during the COVID-19 outbreak and principles for evaluating and adapting programming.

Tala* and Karma*, 9 washing their hands. Image credit: GMU


This section covers infection prevention and control (IPC) and how to apply recommended COVID-19 guidelines at the health facility and household levels, and includes interactive scenario-based exercises to elicit discussion around these topics.

McClean, 10, with facemask, Zimbabwe. Image credit: GCCU

Sasisho TAYARI kwa Barua Pepe

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Introduction to Epidemics (6MB .pptx): This presentation provides an overview of outbreak terminology and the International Health Regulations and declaration of a public health emergency. The presentation also spotlights COVID-19 technical tools and guidelines.

COVID-19 Epidemiology, Mitigation, and Priorities for NGO Response (10MB .pdf): This presentation provides a detailed look at epidemiology, mitigation, and priorities for NGO response to COVID-19, covering lessons learned from earlier outbreaks (such as SARS, Avian Influenza, and the 1918 Influenza pandemic), zoonotic disease/intermediate hosts, transmission dynamics, and community mitigation approaches.

Staff Health Essentials in a Pandemic (2MB .pptx): A foundational overview of the importance of staff health, key principles for establishing staff health policies, and signposts for identifying levels of risk.  

Staff Health Scenarios (2MB .pptx): Two scenarios and discussion questions around key themes in staff health, to encourage conversation and application of ideas among workshop participants.

Staff Safeguarding Operational Checklist (44KB .docx): This checklist can be used by NGOs to think critically about their existing staff health policies and procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to the workshop materials below, READY manages the COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Toolkit for Humanitarian Actors (RCCE Toolkit).

Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for COVID-19 (27MB .pptx): This presentation provides an overview of the theory and foundation of Social Behavior Change and Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE), and gives examples of methods that NGOs can use to engage communities remotely.

Rumors & Misinformation (13MB .pptx): This presentation outlines the steps to addressing rumors and misinformation and provides examples of approaches for rumor collection, verification, and response.

RCCE Scenarios (6MB .pptx): Three scenarios and discussion questions to guide conversation and application of ideas among workshop participants.

RCCE Operational Checklist (45KB .docx): This checklist can be used by NGOs to think critically about their risk communication and community engagement efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Program Adaption (3MB .pptx): This presentation outlines steps for prioritizing programming during the COVID-19 response and includes considerations for health facilities. 

Business Continuity (2MB .pptx): An overview of how to establish a business continuity plan to maintain staff health and ensure the continuation of services.  

Business Continuity Scenarios (2MB .pptx): Two scenarios and discussion questions to guide workshop participants in a conversation about key considerations for business continuity planning. 

Program Adaptation Scenarios (3MB .pptx): Two additional discussion scenarios and question sets, specifically focused on program adaptation and prioritization.

Business Continuity Operational Checklist (39KB .docx): This checklist can be used by NGOs to think critically about their business continuity planning efforts during the COVID-19 response.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for COVID-19 (4MB .pptx): This presentation provides an overview of infection prevention and control (IPC) concepts, and guides participants through the application of WHO guidelines for minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in households and health facilities.

IPC Scenarios (2MB .pptx): Three scenarios and sets of discussion questions to guide a conversation around key IPC themes.